Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Soccer Season

 This past season of soccer was a little different for us.  Brice was asked to be the coach of Tayson's team and he did a very good job.  But Brice is going to hang up his coaching hat and retire!!
 Here is my Tayson playing defense.  He did score a goal this season and was really excited about it.
Here is coach Brice with the team.  The boys really enjoyed Brice as a coach.

Random Pictures

 At the first of May this huge train came through Ogden on its way to be restored and so we took a trip to the Union Station.  There was a ton of people so that's why you can't see much of the train, but Tayson and Ember are pretty cute to look at.
 Here is a better shot of the train, but not really.  It was really hard to get a good shot of it because of the people and how long it was.
 This little girl loves to wear swim suits all the time.  She also loves to play on the swing set and flip on the bar.
I usually don't put pictures of me up, but since Ember took this photo I thought I would put it up.  The sun was in my eyes so that is why one eye is closed.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


 The Easter bunny visited us this year.  Tayson even left a snack out for him.  These two are posing for me.
 Ember got a dress and she was so excited she put it on right after I took the picture.
Tayson got a minecraft shirt and shorts.  So grateful for the Easter season and that we remember what the Savior did for us. 


 Ember loves to put her necklaces on her head.  We think she so silly
This picture is just strange, meaning Ember has a swimsuit under her coat!!  Love these two kids.