Sunday, October 19, 2008

Annual Halloween Party

Let's see. I was dressed up as the color blue, Tayson was Curious George and Brice had his kilt on, so you could say he was a Scottish guy. We ate intestine, bat wings and worms. We had stubby fingers with puss and cat barf on the side, with dirty water to drink. And for dessert we had bat cupcakes. It was an awesome party and thank you to Gramby and Grandpa for having us over and showing us a good time. Brinlee was adorable in her pumpkin outfit. She had her costume on, but she gets hot!! Gramby was the queen and Grandpa was the king.


Summerhunt said...

Melissa Hey oh my hek it has been forever I cannot believe it! How is everything going? Your little boy is a doll. It is amazing how fast time flys by. That is a good idea for a Halloween dinner, my kids would think that was the coolest I might have to try that this year. Hope all is going well at least we can stay in touch this way.

Kara said...

That sounds like a lot of fun. Your costume was so creative, good job ha ha ha!!!

Gramby said...

Always fun to see your pictures!


Melanie said...

yeah that was kar...and i will tell her hi and congrats for ya. do i really look that good pregnant? maybe someday i will change my mind about having kids then! haha. your halloween costumes are so cute and is that little girl your niece? she is adorable!