Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Joy School Farm Day

Okay, I always seem to put my pictures on backwards!! Here is after the farm, the kids are looking at all the huge goldfish. Tayson actually carried one to the bucket. He was being brave for all of his friends.
Tayson wanted to help Grandpa get the pigs and show the other kids that they are not scary, so he climbed in and started petting them. Pretty soon all the other kids wanted to get in the pig pen too.
Here they are in the pig pen.
Here is the first of the tour, Rusti, Addison and Tayson looking at Jeff's pheasant. I just want to thank my dad for all his hard work. Thank you dad for all you did and how you took so much out of your day to be with Tayson preschool.

1 comment:

Kara said...

How fun is that. I didn't know your Dad has a farm. I bet Tayson loves it!