Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tayson's Stats

Tayson went to the Dr. on Monday to have his kindergarten check up. He was 37 pounds and is 43 inches tall. 70% in his height and 50% in his weight. He had to have four shots in his legs. I had to bring Brice because I can't hold him down. Poor little guy hated getting shots, but he doesn't have to have any until junior high, thank goodness. He was so brave on everything else. The doctor said he is healthy and ready to go the kindergarten!!

1 comment:

Palmers said...

I can't believe he is going to be in kindergarten that is nuts. Mason has another year of pre-school and then he will be right there with him! That is nuts. I hate doing the shot thing to, it is sad. I'm not looking forward to that.