Friday, October 22, 2010

Ember is One!!

Okay picture overload, beware. I always do the pictures backwards, but that's okay. Here is Ember after all of the gifts were open. She only has a shirt on cause after her cake the clothes came off.
This is the after the cake. That is grandpa's hand getting ready to feed her ice cream. As you can tell she loved her cake. She was not afraid of it at all.
This is her tasting it. Wondering if its okay to have these in front of her!!
This is the cake by her wonderful Aunt Kenzie. The rest of us had cupcakes filled with strawberry cream, yummy! Thank you Kenzie for another wonderful cake.
Here is dad getting a vacuum ready to play with. She got a teacup set, a cabbage patch doll, clothes, a bug that does all sorts of stuff, a pink bus and lots of love. She wasn't too sure what was going on, but her brother was way excited for her birthday.
Tayson is trying to help her open her gifts.
This should have been at the first, but oh well. We went to Applebee's on her birthday, she was way excited. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate, we sure had a fun day.

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