I don't think this post will have pictures, but I wanted to write it down before I forget some of the things that happened to Ember. I found a picture and had to put it up!! On Nov. 3rd, she came down with a fever after nap. I gave her a little bit of Tylenol and she went to bed just fine. The next morning she woke up with no fever and was fine. Well, right after her nap she had the fever again, but was eating and playing. She went to bed just fine that night. She woke up on the 5th of Nov. and felt a tiny bit warm, but nothing really to bad. Again after nap she woke up with a fever again, but this time she was way warm. I took her temp. and it said 101. Brice was home by now and told me to call the dr. and of course they didn't answer. By now she is crying hysterically and nothing will calm her down. I finally get a hold of the dr. and they tell me to bring her in. We get there and she now has a fever of 104 and they find an ear infection. We get her some antibiotics and they tell me to give her Tylenol and Advil, rotating the two. We go home that night and she is pretty subdued, she just layed by her dad the whole night until bedtime. When I went to put her down I told Brice she feels like she is on fire, I am not kidding you. We decide to let the Tylenol work and put her down. I go up and take a bath and Brice is at the computer when he hears her moaning a lot. He decides to go check on her and runs upstairs with her yelling at me to come down. I come down and I see her and she is having a seizure. I take her from his arms and tell him to call 911. At his point I am trying to remember my ninth grade health class and what to do when someone as a seizure. I take her to the couch and lay her on her back and try and talk to her. By now the 911 operator is telling Brice to watch her and when she is done with the seizure make sure she is still breathing and to put her on her side. The seizure only lasted about one minute, but that was one long minute for us. The ambulance came and put oxygen on her and gave her more Tylenol and took us up to the ER. I rode in the ambulance with her and Brice followed us in the car. When we got to the hospital her fever was at 103. The nurse happened to me someone I went to school with and so that was nice. We were there about three hours. They ran a test for a urinary tract infection and they saw the infected ear as well. They sent us home with her fever down to 100 and told us to alternate the Tylenol and Advil every three hours. As a parent that was so scary for both me and Brice. I was actually pretty calm and Brice was the nervous one. He did find her though and that really shook him up. Tayson slept through the whole thing thank goodness. We have wonderful parents who came and watched stayed at the house and came to the hospital. Wonderful neighbors and siblings who care so much for our little girl. Thanks to the Bishop and first counselor for coming up to the hospital. I am truly blessed to have the priesthood in my home. Ember got a blessing from her dad and uncle and I know that helped. I am so thankful for a loving Father in Heaven who blessed me with a wonderful husband and two beautiful children. It happened over a month ago and Ember is doing great. It all started because a molar wouldn't break through!!!
Tide Pools and Big Trees Days 1-3
3 years ago
That is super scary. I'm so glad she is OK. Things like that really put life into perspective.
Wow that is scary! I hope she is okay.
OH that is so dang scary. I wouldn't know what to do either. I'm glad she is doing better now. Hopefully you never have to go through that again.
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