Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Village

Sorry I don't know how to turn the picture. Me, Brice and Tayson standing by the big teddy bear.
Tayson thought the best part of the Christmas village was the playland they had. Here he is going down the slide with a flash light that Grandpa got him.

Here are Gramby and Grandpa looking at a display. Tayson was in a bit of a hurry to see all of the displays so he could go play on the slide.


Kara said...

How fun, you can't have a Christmas season without the Ogden lights. It makes it a lot more fun with kids:) I will let you know what time I am going to volunteer if you want to go at the same time as me, thanks:)

Andy and Katy said...

Your Taysen is so cute and getting so big. Hope that you guys have a great Christmas!!!!

Palmers said...

That looks so fun. We love to go and see the lights too. Mason would love it with the lights and the slide:) hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!