Saturday, December 27, 2008


Tayson wanted to go out in the snow, so we suited him up and he only lasted about three minutes.
He wanted to help everyone open up their presents. He is helping Gramby right now. He was so cute on Christmas.
He would tear open a present and then move on to the next one!!
He got a bike from Santa. He was so excited that he rode it out in the snow. Did not last long, before he came back in. We had a wonderful Christmas. It was awesome to spend it with family and I am so grateful to have to the Gospel in my life to know about the birth of the Savior and to carry that same spirit the rest of the year. Happy New Year!!!


Andy and Katy said...

I am glad that you guys had a good christmas. Tayson is such a cutie, and christmas is so much more fun as the kids get older and actually understand what is going on. Keep in touch, we need to get together for a play date=Zack would love it!

Reed & Melinda Family said...

I love watching your boys because it helps me to know that it is normal for my boys to be that way!!! I am glad you had a Merry Christmas. Have a Happy New Year.