Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Ugly Post

I am not very good at being tagged so bear with me. Here are some things I need to work on:

1. I am so stubborn. I just think it is sticking to my guns, but I know it is stubborness. I get it from both sides of my parents. And lucky for me, Tayson is just as stubborn.

2. I bit my nails. I have been since I was little. I have tried and tried to grow them out, but it never works very long. Brice hates this bad habit!!

3. I am not very good with our dog Rowdy. He is going to give me ulcers on day. I need more patience with him.

4. Which leads me to, I might not have as much patience as I would like to think. I have to go to time out myself and take a break.

5. I am obsessed with vacuuming. Brice calls me the vacuuming nazi!! It is true, I love to vacuum and I need to play with Tayson more!!

6. I need a filter for my mouth. I am going to apologize right now to anyone I have said something dumb to. I always say Brice needs a filter, but I need on just as bad. So sorry for anything I might have said.

7. I get on my blog at least two to four times a day. It is insane, and most of the time nothing changes, I just have to check.

8. I am very sensitive. I have a hard time taking jokes, most of the time from Brice. Something I need to work on.

Feel free to add more, but that is all I can think of. Believe me I have a lot of flaws, working on them everyday. So please forgive me!!

I tag: Sarah, Kara, Summer, Carly, Ally, Melanie, Melinda,Alayana.


Amateur Steph said...

I totally do that blog thing! (And if it makes you feel better I haven't noticed any of your other habits. :)

Kara said...

That is a funny post! Kambri just started biting her nails and I wish she would stop. I too need to work on patience, I think most people do:)

Kenzie said...

I would have to disagree with this post, I think you are great and I think you should list things that you are good at--- I can think of a ton for you.

Good Cook (you know it)

Great Sister-in-law

Perfect person to talk to about the dumb shows we watch :)

You are the only person in the world that has the SAME problems as me when it comes to our husbands. lol

Your great! Alothough my list of faults would be way longer and prob. worse :)

The Hicken's said...

Melissa it is so funny to see what other people see in themselves. I would never see hardly any of that in you! I think we are always more likely to pick on ourselves.