Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Emilee's Wedding

Okay, to start off with I left my camera at home when we went to the Temple, so no pictures from the Temple. I will have to get my mom's camera and put some on. So, I did take it to the luncheon and as you can tell, I am no photographer. The picture is of Emilee and Chase and my mom and dad. His parents are next to him, but you can't tell. We went to the Prairie Schooner and it was way yummy.
This picture is of Brice at the luncheon standing in front of some deer antlers, but you can't tell, sorry. And then the reception, batteries died and we used my mom's camera instead. So I will post more pictures of the wedding later. But all in all it was an awesome day for Emilee and Chase. They went to Florida on their honeymoon!!!!


Wenni Donna said...

Emilee's Wedding does look like a fabulous affair. I am impressed with this write up. I also would be booking the prettiest wedding venues NYC for our winter reception but the planning process for the event has not started yet. I was just wondering if you could help me by sharing any tips here.

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