Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sickness Mixed With A little Thanksgiving

Okay, to begin I do not have any pictures of Thanksgiving. That morning we went down to my parent's house for the annual turkey shoot. Brice had a cold, but was feeling fine until we arrived at my parent's house. He was all pale and did not look good. Needless to say that I took him home and we ate Thanksgiving dinner without him. He didn't even get any cause he said he didn't want any, poor guy. So, I did not want to be near him so we stayed at my mom and dad's for a while and then we went to visit Brice's parents. Brice finally got better on Sunday, yes after the long weekend was over. Brice stayed home all five days while I tried to keep the kids away so they wouldn't get whatever he had. I was so busy trying to keep track of Tayson and make sure Ember was okay, that I didn't even attempt to get out the camera. I know, Ember's first Thanksgiving and no pictures, I think she will survive!! So I finally took a picture on Sunday of Ember in her swing cause mom was worn out. I was going to post the picture, but my computer won't let me so it will have to come later.

1 comment:

Trista said...

I hope you are all feeling good. That would stink being sick for the holiday's. Poor Brice hope he is better.