Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm Nine Months Old!!!

I took Ember to the doctor on the 20th of July and she is doing pretty good. She still does not crawl, but she will turn herself around in a circle on the floor. She weighs 18 pounds and is 29 inches long. 30% for her weight and 90% for her height. I couldn't believe she only weighed 18 pounds 'cause when I hold her it feels a lot heavier. She loves her older brother and gets so excited when she sees him. She loves her milk and is starting to not like her rice cereal anymore. She would much rather eat what I am eating. She loves baby goldfish, puffs, any soft cracker and Popsicles. She smiles at everyone and really loves to see her daddy when he comes home from work. She sleeps from about 9:15 until 7:30. On good days she will still take two nap, but she is getting four teeth on the top so she is kind of crabby lately. She is such a blessing and we can't wait to see what happens next. We love you little Ember loo!!!


Jake and Alayna said...

I can't believe how fast she's growing up! She weighs more than Ridge! She is so cute!

Kara said...

She is adorable! I love her blue eyes. Aren't little girls the sweetest:)

Palmers said...

Time goes by way to fast. It seems like you just had her I can't believe it has been 9 months already! I'm sure she is sweet:)