Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bear Lake

Last year we all went up to Bear Lake and spent a few days up there. Well this year our big trip was to Wisconsin so we decided to just take a day trip up to Bear Lake. We left on a Friday morning and spent the day on the beach and played. Ember had a great time in the sand and water.
Here is Tayson and Gramby after playing in the sand.
Brice decided to make a sand sculpture. This is the turtle he made.
I am usually not in pictures, but I decided to be in one. Isn't she cute?!!!
Here is my Tayson sitting in Bear Lake with his chair. Crazy boy!! Thanks to everyone who came. And of course we went and got hamburgers and raspberry shakes before we went home.

1 comment:

Kenzie said...

Looks like fun!! I am sorry we missed it