Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tayson is Four!!

June is one very busy month for us. Tayson turned four on June 19th and he got sick that morning. We are pretty sure he ate a bologna sandwich that had been in the sun for a little bit and that is what made him sick. Everyone still came over, but he just wasn't himself. Aunt Kenzie made him this awesome Thomas the train cake and he loved it!! Thank you, Aunt Kenzie. He wanted Geo Trax for is birthday, so we got him the Thomas version of it and he loves to have his remote control train. He is still trying to get over this sickness, so then he can start playing with his toys. We love you buddy, happy birthday.

1 comment:

Kara said...

I can't believe how old our kids are getting, its crazy! Looks like he had a fun time and his cake is adorable:)