Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Black Island Farms

We had the opportunity to go to Black Island Farms. I have never been, so this was an experience for all of us. Here are some of the kids waiting to go on the tractor ride. Don't mind my shadow!!
We finally got on a trailer and here Ember is pulling a face. She wanted me to hold her and I am just not willing to do that all of the time. It is a cute face though!
They take about carrots and then they take you over to pick out a pumpkin. Here is Tayson and Ethan with their picks.
After the ride we went to see all of there slides, games, bounce house that they had. Here is Ember going down the slide by herself. I like I got a pretty good shot.
They had this huge thing of kernels of corn that you could play in. Tayson is trying to bury himself in it.
They had tractor tires all over the place and Ember was having a grand time climbing on them.
So they have this train ride and it takes you in a big circle. The kids loved it, but me not so much. It was way bumpy, but it was meant for kids not adults. Tayson and Ethan have so much fun together. Thanks to Stephanie for inviting us along, we had a great time.

1 comment:

auntie-gram said...

Ember is such a little dare devil!! Nothing stops that girl! Tayson just love to have fun!! So glad you got to go to the farm!!