Friday, November 11, 2011

San Diego Temple and USS Midway

Okay, we went to the Temple first and the USS Midway, but just go with it. This is an aircraft carrier that was supposed to be used for WWII, but it was finished eight days after the war was over so it was used for other wars. It is 1001 feet long and 250 feet wide. It is enormous and I think it could be its own city its so big. We got there and we only had about two hours to see everything and you need way more time than that. But we managed just fine. This is the flight strip where the planes would land. Behind Brice is where the captain and all of the important people were. We did take a tour up there, so I will post those pics later.
These are the controls near the boiler room, I think.
This is a room where the sailors could come and relax. It was like a home away from home.
That guy is not real. He scared me when I turned the corner and there he was. They were all over the ship, I got used to them after a while.
These are the bunks where the lowest ranking sailors would stay. Three per side and really small!!
We got to go to the San Diego Temple and do a session. It was awesome. We actually went when it was the Spanish session. I was a little nervous to have to have a head set, but it worked out well.
We asked some nice young man to take our picture. It was so awesome to be able to go to the Temple. This was such a nice trip. We had so much fun with each other and the kids had just as much fun back home. More to come later, thanks for looking.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Sounds like you had a great vacation! I love the san diego temple. We went there on our honeymoon. It is such a beautiful temple.