Sunday, February 24, 2013

In the Fort

 Brice made Tayson and Ember this awesome fort.  And yes Ember is in her swimsuit.  She wears it everyday she can. The girl has no sense of cold!!
Its hard to see Tay, but he is back there under the stool. Ember is trying to pull some kind of face. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

New Year's Day

 So I did not take pictures of New Year's Eve, but every New Year's Day we go bowling.  Well, this year was not our year.  We had to switch lanes because every time you bowled it gave you a strike on one lane and a spare on the other.  So we moved and we were doing okay and then the lanes shut down for about 20 minutes.  So here we are sitting here waiting.  We also bought the two hour deal and actually did not bowl for the whole two hours.  They wouldn't give us any money back and instead handed us a voucher to come back.  Not likely any of us want to go back after what happened.
 Here are Maddy and Ember waiting for the pizza to come that also came with the deal we got and it even took a long time to come.
 Here is my little bowler.  It was not good that we had to sit and wait, we were not happy.
 Thanks Chase for the face... We all felt like this, why is the happening??
Here they are waiting for the pizza and to be able to bowl... We might change the tradition or just change the bowling place!!

Grins And Fins

 First of all, I have to give a big thank you to Valerie and Randy.  For Christmas they got us a stay at a hotel in West Valley with an indoor swimming pool and slide.  Tayson was sooo excited to go.  We left on Friday, December 28th and came home on Saturday, December 29th.  We stayed over one night and had a blast!!  Thank you, Gramby and Poppie for the gift, we loved it.  Here they are watching us swim, with cute Emmee.
 Here is Tayson getting ready to go down the slide.  You had to be a certain height, so Ember couldn't go down, but they did have a little slide for the kids.  The slide does go outside, but its not cold when you go down it.  Yes, I even went down the slide, several times.  One of my New Year's goals was to enjoy my kids more and play more with them.  So, yes I got wet with them!!
 Here is Tayson swimming to the side after coming down the slide.
 He looks good in his goggles.
 I love this picture.  Brad and Randy's faces are priceless!!
 We swam all night Friday night and here is Ember in her pjs after swimming for hours.
 Here is proof I got in the water!!
 How cute is she?!
 Here is Brice swimming.. Its the only picture I had that turned out of him.
 That also have a hot tub, which we spent a lot of time in!!
Here are the kids, minus Emmee all snuggled up in their blankets ready for bed.  We had so much fun, we want to go back next year!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Christmas Part 3

 Kelsie got this tent from Grandma and Grandpa and they were having a ball playing inside it.  I got this really cool shot of them.
 Tayson is wearing the shirt grandma got him that says I should be paid to be this awesome... just sayin', with a picture of a hundred dollar bill.  If only Ember would have looked up, but she is smiling in this one.
 I am in a picture, can you see my feet??  Ember is wearing the hat Aunt Wendy got her.  I love that Gramby is smiling at her in the picture to.
 Here is poppie and Emmee on Christmas Day.
 Here is Brice and Brad, doing what they do best, being on some kind of electronic!!
I hope Judy and Wendy still like me after they see this post!!  I love the picture so I had to put it up.  I know its February I am a little behind, but its my blog and I can do that!!  We had a great Christmas and were blessed to much.  I am truly blessed to know that the Savior came to earth in humble beginnings and that we get to celebrate his birth and strive to live as he did.

Christmas Part 2

 Here is my little guy, on Christmas morning.  He was so excited, we didn't make him wait for his sister to wake up.  I know you are all jealous of my Charlie Brown tree!!
 She finally woke up.  She is not the most happiest person in the morning, so I couldn't get her to smile.  Santa brought Tayson a remote control car, legos, books, Curious George DVD, clothes, spiderman slippers. Santa brought Ember a doll that goes in the tub with her, a blanket, a scooter,(Tayson also got a scooter), clothes and some books. 
 Here is Tayson playing with his remote control car.
 I love his face in this picture!!
 Hayden got a hold of Grandpa's diet coke... or maybe it was his dad's??  I had to take a picture of it!
She loves her picture taken just as much as I do. She is enjoying Christmas breakfast, which is one of the highlights of Christmas morning, thank you dad and mom!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Christmas Eve

 We went over to Brice's parents for Christmas Eve.  Gramby let the kids open their presents.  Ember got a Cinderella costume and had to put it on.
 Here are all the grandkids, that live here!!  Emmee wouldn't look my way, but neither would Tayson!
 They acted out the Nativity scene and it was so cute.  I think Ember was supposed to be a shepherd, but she just followed Joseph and Mary around.  She might have been the angel.  The kids did an awesome job acting out the Nativity and remembering the true meaning of Christmas.
 They got new pjs on Christmas Eve. 
 Here they are modeling them for me.  Don't mind the mess behind them!!
Here they are singing a song for me about Santa.  I love that see follows her big brother and most of the time he is okay with it.

Temple Square

 We loaded up the kids and took our annual trip down to Salt Lake to see the lights.  Here is Ember in her cute hat and mittens on the way down.
 Yes, I know you are shocked, but I did have Brice take some pics with me in them.  Ember was having a hard time focusing on the camera.
 I love my little boy's smile in this one!!  Ember is almost smiling.  My favorite part is that the Temple is behind us.
 Had to get one with dad in it!!
 And then some nice lady walking by asked if we wanted her to take our picture, so we said yes.  Tay's eyes might be closed, but it works.
Here are my two monkeys!!  I loved all the red on the trees in the background.  We did end up going to City Creek, but the lights were not as good as Temple Square.  We had fun though!


 I got to watch my niece Maddy and her her brother Hayden and sister Kelsie.  They all got dressed up like princesses, so I had to get the camera out.
Hayden was feeling left out so he put on some awesome sun glasses.  How cute it he!!