Sunday, February 17, 2013

New Year's Day

 So I did not take pictures of New Year's Eve, but every New Year's Day we go bowling.  Well, this year was not our year.  We had to switch lanes because every time you bowled it gave you a strike on one lane and a spare on the other.  So we moved and we were doing okay and then the lanes shut down for about 20 minutes.  So here we are sitting here waiting.  We also bought the two hour deal and actually did not bowl for the whole two hours.  They wouldn't give us any money back and instead handed us a voucher to come back.  Not likely any of us want to go back after what happened.
 Here are Maddy and Ember waiting for the pizza to come that also came with the deal we got and it even took a long time to come.
 Here is my little bowler.  It was not good that we had to sit and wait, we were not happy.
 Thanks Chase for the face... We all felt like this, why is the happening??
Here they are waiting for the pizza and to be able to bowl... We might change the tradition or just change the bowling place!!

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