Sunday, February 3, 2013

Temple Square

 We loaded up the kids and took our annual trip down to Salt Lake to see the lights.  Here is Ember in her cute hat and mittens on the way down.
 Yes, I know you are shocked, but I did have Brice take some pics with me in them.  Ember was having a hard time focusing on the camera.
 I love my little boy's smile in this one!!  Ember is almost smiling.  My favorite part is that the Temple is behind us.
 Had to get one with dad in it!!
 And then some nice lady walking by asked if we wanted her to take our picture, so we said yes.  Tay's eyes might be closed, but it works.
Here are my two monkeys!!  I loved all the red on the trees in the background.  We did end up going to City Creek, but the lights were not as good as Temple Square.  We had fun though!

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