Sunday, February 10, 2013

Christmas Part 3

 Kelsie got this tent from Grandma and Grandpa and they were having a ball playing inside it.  I got this really cool shot of them.
 Tayson is wearing the shirt grandma got him that says I should be paid to be this awesome... just sayin', with a picture of a hundred dollar bill.  If only Ember would have looked up, but she is smiling in this one.
 I am in a picture, can you see my feet??  Ember is wearing the hat Aunt Wendy got her.  I love that Gramby is smiling at her in the picture to.
 Here is poppie and Emmee on Christmas Day.
 Here is Brice and Brad, doing what they do best, being on some kind of electronic!!
I hope Judy and Wendy still like me after they see this post!!  I love the picture so I had to put it up.  I know its February I am a little behind, but its my blog and I can do that!!  We had a great Christmas and were blessed to much.  I am truly blessed to know that the Savior came to earth in humble beginnings and that we get to celebrate his birth and strive to live as he did.

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