Sunday, February 3, 2013

Christmas Eve

 We went over to Brice's parents for Christmas Eve.  Gramby let the kids open their presents.  Ember got a Cinderella costume and had to put it on.
 Here are all the grandkids, that live here!!  Emmee wouldn't look my way, but neither would Tayson!
 They acted out the Nativity scene and it was so cute.  I think Ember was supposed to be a shepherd, but she just followed Joseph and Mary around.  She might have been the angel.  The kids did an awesome job acting out the Nativity and remembering the true meaning of Christmas.
 They got new pjs on Christmas Eve. 
 Here they are modeling them for me.  Don't mind the mess behind them!!
Here they are singing a song for me about Santa.  I love that see follows her big brother and most of the time he is okay with it.

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