Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Disneyland Again!!

 So on Wednesday we split up the day and went to Disneyland in the morning and California Adventures in the afternoon.  Here is daddy and Ember on Dumbo again.  Ember loved that ride.
 Tayson and me went on the Matterhorn Bobsleds while they were on Dumbo, except they were closed at the time so we were watching dad an Ember ride Dumbo.  We did get to go on the bobsleds, and once is good for me!!
 I took Ember to Minnie and Mickey's house and she was in 7th heaven.  She could have stayed here the whole rest of the day.  She is sitting in Minnie's chair.
 We were the first ones to see Mickey for the day.  I didn't get any pictures of his house, but it was nice and cool in there.
 I needed a picture of Mickey by myself.  I have a huge stuffed Mickey that I have had for 30 plus years and so I decided I needed a picture with him.
 This is Minnie's house again.  Ember is playing with the phone.
 Ember is lying down on Minnie's bed.
 Ember is washing the dishes for Minnie.
 And finally Minnie came home and we got a picture.  Ember was so excited to see her.
 Here is Ember and Rapunzel.  She was really cute with Ember and talked to her for a minute.  This was the last princess we saw because we never could find Belle.  We saw her the first day and then after that she was no where to be found..
 Here are Brice and Tayson on an island over by the pirates of the Caribbean ride.  He would take Tayson and I would take Ember and we would go on different rides that they wanted to ride again.
 I had to take a picture by this ice cream parlor.  My maiden name is Gibson and so I thought it was appropriate.  You can also see Brice taking the picture in the window!!
 Ember and Tayson wanted the iconic Minnie and Mickey Mouse ears so we took a picture in front of the entrance.
Here is another shot of them in their hats by the entrance with dad this time.  We had such a good time in Disneyland and I am so glad we got to take the kids.

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