Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Birthday Pics

I am officially 31!! Here is Tayson and my niece Maddy posing for a picture. This is the only pic I got on my birthday besides the one below. Me and Brice got to go to the Temple in the morning and then we took the kids to the Get Air trampoline park (pics to come). Brice then took me to dinner and we came home and had cake and ice cream. Saturday was a really wet and snowy day, so we missed some people that didn't come, but we understood completely.
Here is a shot with my cake. It was cherry chip with yummy butter cream frosting. Amanda made it and it was awesome!! I only wanted a picture of the cake, but she handed it to me and I had no other choice but to take a picture. Just don't look closely at me, admire the cake!! Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday in some way. It was a great day....

1 comment:

auntie-gram said...

Thanks you for understanding about the snow and driving in it. I love the picture of you and your cake! It looks yummy and you look so cute!! You are just the most precious!! Tayson and Maddie love birthdays (I think it is the birthday cakes) but that is so great - they are so cute!!